
How do the notifications work?

Push notification is a major innovation added by JiJo. This makes usage of the app very easy. As a result of the notifications, the users do not have to access the app to get information. This is a very efficient way to communicate with users.

What are the major notifications used in the app and what do they mean?

    Following are the key notifications used by the application:

  • Trip Started – This notification is sent when a user creates a trip and chooses to notify people. The notification is received by all the people who are chosen to receive the notification.
  • Driver started moving – This notification is sent to people who have “joined” the trip as soon as the vehicle starts moving. This is very useful when the trip is created beforehand and the vehicle starts moving later.
  • Driver is near –This notification is sent to people who have “joined” the trip as soon as the driver nears the passenger. When the distance between the vehicle and the passenger becomes less than 2 KM, this notification is sent to the passengers.
  • “Jump-IN” - This notification is sent to people who have “joined” the trip as soon as the driver approaches the passenger. When the distance between the vehicle and the passenger is less than 150 meters, this notification is sent to the passengers.
  • Trip Ended - This notification is sent when the trip ends.